Silicone Wristbands - NA Group Wristbands - Same Colors as Plastic Key Fobs Personalized with your Group Name
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$49.95 - Special Introductory Pricing!
$49.95 - Special Introductory Pricing!

NA Group Wristband Special

On sale $49.95
Retail Price:$85.68
Your Savings:$35.73(42%)
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FREE Engraving!

NA Group Wristband Special - (Limited Time Offer)

We're so excited about getting your homegroup involved with these fun and ridiculously cool recovery wristbands that we're offering this super-discounted starter package so that you can get a sampling without breaking the bank! 

Each NA Group Wristband Special Package includes 18 Recovery Wristbands: 
What makes this NA Recovery Wristband special package really attractive is that we are going to personalize each wristband with your homegroup name, too!  
(Our URL does NOT appear anywhere on your wristbands!) 
Note: Recovery wristbands may arrive with some "laser dust" still visible in the engraving.  This actually makes the engraving stand out quite a bit.  Over time and with repeated washings, this dust will begin to dissipate and your wrist band will take on the classic debossed wristband appearance.
Take advantage of this special pricing and get your homegroup involved today! Recovery Wristband Color Chart

The colors listed below represent our Standard Recovery Wristband Colors: Other silicone wristband colors are available by special request, minimum order requirements and up to 4 weeks lead time.

Note: Solid color wristbands may arrive with some "laser dust" still visible in the engraving. Over time, and with repeated washings, this dust will begin to dissipate and your wrist band will take on the classic debossed wristband appearance. 

Recovery Wristbands Color Chart

This chart is for reference only and are approximations of the actual wristband colors.

Have an idea for a unique recovery wristband design? Want something special for your group, facility, cause, or special event? Please let us know! We love working on your special projects!

5 Stars
NA Wrist Bands
Purchased our first set of these about a year ago on a whim. Recovering addicts from all over visit our group, in part, for these wristbands. A great idea and a great service to the fellowship!
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Reviewed by:  from Atlanta, GA. on 1/3/2013

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